Wednesday, February 24, 2021

BN: How To Talk Like a Jew | 210216

“Shyster,” “schmuck,” “faigela,” “kishkes,” these are Jewish words that can get you talking just like a Jew.

It’s easy since the sound of the word gives the meaning.

For instance:

If I said something stupid as a Jewish kid I was mocked for having a “goyisha kup,” that is, “thinking like a goy.”

If someone tripped or fell they were teased for being a real “klutz.”

Now how about the Jewish word, “alterkaker?”

Sounds insulting doesn’t it?

Well, pin it on a senile old man jockeyed into the White House by voter fraud who battles with a pen then you know what an “alterkaker”—literally, “old shitter”—Biden really is.

A total “schmuck” too.

He screws up a cue from his COVID goons when spewing out his “fermisht” gibberish stew. [Clip]

[”We are under the distinct impression there are significantly more vaccine available to begin to be distributed. That it was a distribution problem, which it is and was, but that wasn’t the main problem. It was having nothing. And then getting you know there’s a big difference, a logistical difference between having a vaccine sent to the states in bulk and refrigerated, and having vaccinators with the paraphernalia to put it into a vial and stick it into someone’s arm. It’s a very different logistical problem, it, uh, uh, uh”]

What a “putz!”

He was cued by his COVID czar—the Jew, Jeff Zients—to say ‘injection,’ but the schmuck said, ’stick it,’ instead.

When the “alterkaker” Biden is finally sent to Shady Acres, then Kamala, a piece of stinky “dreck,” will be heading up the wreck.

She cackles like a hen with a piercing, “tselakhn zikh,” just like a nasty witch. [Clip]

[”If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?” “Does one of us have to come out alive? Cackle, cackle, cackle, cackle, cackle!”]

Kamala’s the perfect ‘woman of color’ but no one’s quite sure what color she is.

She’s no “schwartza,” that’s for sure, with her mother from India, and her father, a light-skinned local from Jamaica, void of any Negroid features.

Kamala’s real boss—Barack Obama—is no “schwartza” either.

He’s a “half-schwartz,” a bastard child of his black father, Frank Marshall Davis, who “schtooped” Ann Dunham, a white shiksa, and out came Obama.

Obama’s just a “nishtikeit”—a “nobody”—who acts in the role of a “gantseh macher,” the one who calls the shots. [Clip]

[”Do you miss you? Did you ever look at something going on in the news and go, ‘Do you know what the situation needs? A Barack Obama.’” “I’ve said this before, I, uh, people would ask me, ‘Knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?’ And I used to say, ‘If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or front-woman and they had an ear piece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that.’”]

Joe’s fine with that, too.

The wire may get in the way on a bad day, but without it Biden would have nothing to say.

Obama’s married to a “schtocker,” a real “hulk” of the homo sapiens genre, with massive shoulders, a husky frame, and lumbering, powerhouse strides.

Michelle wears the pants but it’s Barack who calls in the favors to the demented unelected president.

Michelle can finally compete in Women’s Sports in “Biden’s America.”

Whether it’s ‘Michael’ or ‘Michelle,’ Obama’s a full “faigella” still.

Ain’t he pretty?

When with his LGBTQ playmates he gets down to the nitty gritty.

The sniffer does too!

With his shnozz in little boys,’ and don’t forget gender equality, in little girls’ hair too, what’s “farshtunken”—I mean, “stinking up” Congress—is how this “mamzer” is applauded by “goyisha dreck,” like Senator Coons.

This “schnorrer” Coons—a political “backscratcher,” applauds Biden even after his daughter gets mauled and fondled while held captive in the ‘Creepy Joe Swoon.’ [Clip]

[”Coons insists his daughter was not disturbed by this televised nuzzle from former vice president, Joe Biden in 2015.” ”It is a big part of who he is, that he hugs people, and connects with people, and talks to people.”]

But when he connects with little girls like your daughter, Coons, connecting is just another word for “lecher.”

Even instinctively— before inhibition sets in—babies know a “lecher” when they see one.

The bigger part of Joe Biden is that he’s a bonfide “goniff.”

He “stole” the election, he “robbed” President Trump of his second term, in the biggest “shvindel” in the history of man.

And deep down in our “kishkas,” we get the “shpilkes,” when seeing a man dressed up as a woman as Biden’s Secretary of Health.

Like a “farshlepteh krenk,” a “sickness that just hangs on,” “me ken brechen,” you can just “vomit” when looking at this cross dresser, this “schlemiel” of a man dressed in drag.

Hedging on one’s gender is one thing, but the Hedge Fund Jews of Citadel Capital, Melvin Capital, Point 72, are a bunch of “shysters.”

They rig the game, but when the little people start winning, like with GameStop, they stop the game, and change the rules, so the goys will never win.

We’ve all been “schtooped,” we’ve all been played as “shnooks,” real “suckers,” by Jewish Wall Street, and sixteen Jews in high places in Biden’s gang—count them if you may, one Jew at a time—who now hold sway.

It’s all child’s play when they say, ‘We will mold the goys like clay.’

So, you wanna talk like a Jew?

I don’t advise it.

Best not imitate the devil’s brood.

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