Monday, February 15, 2021

BN: Biden's Mass Immigration Scheme | 210210

Biden’s Mass Immigration Scheme

Biden is simply Obama 2.0.

Like a worm that grows new skin, Biden is Obama’s third term.

Finishing what he started…[Clip]

[”We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”]

…Biden’s the perfect stooge for Obama to fundamentally transform America into a repressive, One World, Socialist regime.

It begins by communizing domestic policy, then fusing it with mass immigration.

By placing Susan Rice—Obama’s stalwart devotee—as Biden’s “Domestic Policy Adviser,” Obama crafts a psychic channeling in real time.

Using Rice to undo Trump’s policies, Obama will shred the White Christian race that voted for Trump by a landslide, into tatters.

That White race, still the majority, still linked with its Christian roots, is about to be uprooted by this soulless nasty bitch.

[”Joining us now is Susan Rice, the former national security advisor for President Obama, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Ambassador Rice, thank you very much. First, I want to ask you about this resignation because unlike, you know John Bolton resigning and making a lot of money, or Jim Mattis resigning and not explaining it until later exactly why he was resigning, this was direct, it was personal, it names President Trump, and it is specific.” “Well, I guess, Andrea, better late than never. You know, to serve in an administration which has been racist to its core the last three and a half years, um, from comparing (snicker), the peaceful protesters at Charlottesville to white supremacists, calling white supremacists “very fine people,” all the way through to, to the recent weeks where the administration has disparaged the Black Lives Matter movement, disparaged the peaceful protesters, and basically made plain that they preferred to stand by a Confederate legacy than a modern America.”]

A modern America?

It’s a Jewish-ruined America that Andrea Mitchell and her synagogue buddies infested in the media have shaped.

And if President Trump is so racist why did nearly 20% of Black males vote for him in 2020?

Oh, those carefully-crafted buzz words:

“White Supremacists,” “Disparaging Black Lives Matter,” “Confederate Legacy.”

These are Rice’s racial slurs—against Whites—slurs that revile over half of America who embrace President Trump.

Not even the Soviet Union had the gall to insult the bulk of its population.

But never let a Black ‘crisis-impresario’ go to waste. [Clip]

[”This election, and whoever Joe Biden chooses among many very talented candidates, is about getting Joe Biden in the White House, somebody who can heal and unify the nation, and remove Donald Trump and consign him and those who supported him in the Senate to the trash heap of history.”]

Look at her eyes.

Heinous, hateful, devilish, vile, fixed on consigning Trump’s ‘deplorables’ to extinction.

But those ‘deplorables’ are armed to the teeth.

Keep pissing them off and you’ll discover why the Second Amendment exists.

Soon Rice’s “Racial Equity” plot will kick off the Marxist stomp—if it’s not stopped—to flatten every White American into the vice grip of The Great Leveling. [Clip]

[”Good afternoon. As part of our administration’s efforts to increase transparency and introduce all of you to the policy experts who are leading the president’s initiatives, we’re joined today by Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice, who will be talking about the Racial Equity Executive Order that the president will be signing this afternoon. She’s kindly offered to stick around and take some questions. I will, as usual, play the role of bad cop when it’s time for her to go. With that, I will turn it over to Susan.” “Good afternoon, everyone. It’s good to be back.”]

Even the devil has a hard time cracking a smile. [Clip]

[”The President has committed the whole of our government to advancing racial justice and equity for all Americans. I’m leading this effort out of the Domestic Policy Council. I have assembled a first-rate team to drive this agenda forward.”]

She means shoving it down every White Christian’s throat. [Clip]

[”Today, the average Black family has just one tenth the wealth of the average white family, while the gap between the white and Black — between white and Black in homeownership is now larger than it was in 1960. We’ve hit the ground running to embed equity throughout the administration. On day one, the president signed an Executive Order directing an unprecedented whole-of-government initiative to embed racial equity across federal policies, programs, and institutions. That starts with a review of policies and institutions to redress systemic racism where it exists and to advance equity where we aren’t doing enough.”]

“Advance equity?”

It’s Marxist claptrap for “proportional outcomes.”

All initiative, talent, striving for excellence, entrepreneurial effort, gets thrown on the ash bin of history.

You’re only job will be waiting for your gracious gubberment to dish out its latest handout.

Better stay on the gubberment’s good side.

In Biden’s first fiscal year alone, his “proportional outcomes” will be “advanced” to accommodate the resettlement of 125,000 refugees. [Clip]

[”Psisxter Secretary, it’s great to be here with you.”]

Not for long, sounds like he’s about to expire.

Then Commiela will wear his attire. [Clip]

[”We shine the light of lamp of liberty on oppressed people. We offered safe havens for those fleeing violence or persecution, and our example pushed other nations to open wide their doors as well. So today, I’m approving an Executive Order to begin the hard work of restoring our refugee admissions program to help meet the unprecedented global need. It’s going to take time to rebuild what has been so badly damaged, but that’s precisely what we’re going to do. This Executive Order will position us to be able to raise the refugee admissions back up to 125,000 persons for the first full fiscal year of the Biden Harris administration.”]

That’s eight times what Trump allowed, and each year it will go up.

While Americans struggle to make ends meet due to unconstitutional lockdowns and a Covid-ruined economy, Biden is fixed on foreigners.

The “scourge” of ‘Deplorable Supremacy’ at the voting booth will be a thing of the past.

Refugees make easy-to-come-by Democrats. [Clip]

[”We’ve taken steps to acknowledge and address systemic racism and the scourge of white supremacy in our own country. Racial ekkleity will not just be an issue for one department in our administration. It has to be the business of the whole of government and all our federal policies and institutions.”]

Every county, every bio-region, every blue city, better prepare for “refugee resettlement” in their neighborhoods.

“Racial equity” will be “embedded” in all federal programs, including resettlement schemes, complete with subsidized housing and federal-funded “jobs” so as to trash your White Christian town.

Do you like your uni-cultural town?

You can’t keep that town.

Your “disease of hate” will be cured by refugees who have no historic stake in your uni-cultural town.

Welcome to Somali Street.

Your street is next.

Coming to a town near you. [Clip]

[”Brutal attacks in downtown Minneapolis caught on camera. A warning, though, the videos are disturbing, but also revealing of a new crime trend. Violent robberies were up dramatically this summer in downtown Minneapolis until police connected the dots now with more than a dozen suspects captured in surveillance videos.”]

Connect your own dots.

Begin with the Jews.

Jewish organizations en masse are laying the bricks of “Somali Street.”

The Anti-Defamation League: “Welcoming Refugees.”

Jewish Family Services: “Helping Refugees And Immigrants.”

Hebrew Immigration Aid Society: “Resettling Refugees,” “Applauding Biden’s EOs On Immigration,” “Resettlement Agencies Ready To Rebuild.”

It’s chilling.

The mass of Jewry bolstering Biden—coupled with Rice’s psychic channeling of Obama creating an occult, autocratic dystopia—means the obliteration of the country you once knew.

The transformation of America into a repressive, Socialist, fragmented, One World glob, will fundamentally make Karl Marx look like a milquetoast wimp.

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